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    The working principle of the cutter and the operation is relatively simple
    Author:admin Date:2015-7-10 9:27:55 Hits:

    The working principle of the cutter and the operation is relatively simple

    The cutter operation is relatively simple, the environmental requirements are not high. Usually used in the general office to ensure power supply to work. General cutting machine with automatic switch system, as long as the input in the old paper, paper cutter can automatically rotates the paper shredding. Some cutting machine need to press the start button, cutter will rotate, can continue cutting. Shredding is completed, press stop / reverse key, stop turning cutter.

    Is there before shredding paper clips, staples and other hard object files to check first broken on. If there is, should be removed and then put into the mouth, otherwise it may damage the tool. In the use of paper cutting machine, should pay attention to plug a not too much paper, especially good quality paper, use more attention should be paid, in order to avoid the phenomenon of cardboard paper add try not to put the skew and be as far as possible on the feeder are central to relatively narrow paper.

    For the early products, use once the jam fault, should press the backspace or stop key, the broken can continue to use. Most of the overload power-off protection device is provided with a cutting machine, when the motor overload heating, automatic stop. At this time should stop using 20 a 30min, so that the motor cooling. At the same time, should be considered when using the appropriate reduction of the number of input paper. The cutter is advanced once overload will automatically stop, automatic back paper, use more convenient. When the box cutter filled, some machines will automatically send voice, to remind people of the timely removal of confetti.

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